Magic Mushroom Distillate


Benefits and mind-altering experiences aside, the fact of the matter is, not everyone enjoys the taste of mushrooms. In fact, some people may even have stomachs too sensitive to ingest whole mushrooms.

Our Magic Mushroom Distillate ensures no psychonaut is left out! The distillate comes in 0.7ml syringes which contain 10 grams of concentrated psilocybin extracts. 



Benefits and mind-altering experiences aside, the fact of the matter is, not everyone enjoys the taste of mushrooms. In fact, some people may even have stomachs too sensitive to ingest whole mushrooms. This product is for the experienced distillate users not recommended for beginners.

Our Magic Mushroom Distillate ensures no psychonaut is left out! The distillate comes in 0.7ml syringes which contain 10 grams of concentrated psilocybin extracts. 

Magic of our Distillate:
  • Non-offensive Ingestion – This distillate comes with all the psychedelic goodness without any of the taste. Apply a drop or two onto your tongue and swallow.
  • Clean High – We formulated this distillate to produce a clean high that won’t leave you crashing after the initial peak.
  • Fast Come-up – Because your body doesn’t need to digest entire mushrooms, you can expect the psychedelic effects to kick in faster than usual.
  • True Psychedelic Experience – Magic Mushrooms in distilled form are still Magic Mushrooms. You won’t find any drop in the quality of your trip, in fact, you may even decide to switch to distillates!
  • Sneaky – Sure, Magic Mushrooms are legal in Canada but that doesn’t necessarily mean you want to be seen stuffing your face with them. For those who want to keep it classy and discrete, this distillate is the perfect choice.
Directions and Indications for Use:
  • 0.1ml is equivalent to 1.5g of magic mushrooms.
  • Apply a drop of distillate onto your tongue and swallow normally.
  • Heat up with hot bowl of water or lighter until distillate is runny.

What are you waiting for? Don’t let a sensitive stomach and squeamish taste buds stop you from going on a journey to discover the universe!

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